Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Walking Advertisement for Minnesota

So everyone is very posh here. And I mean very posh. Londoners are always on the cutting edge of fashion and dress according to whatever trend presides at the moment. Thus, I've seen girls with stiletto boots, fashionable pea coats, hats that are too thin to suit their intended purpose and skinny tights or leggings. No wonder they think this weather is so cold! They don't know how to layer like onions! Walking next to these glamorous model impersonators, I feel like a complete hick from nowheresville. Not that I mind because I am warm. I know how to dress like an onion. So 5 layers later, I can barely move and look like Ralphie in his snowsuit from "A Christmas Story". Yup, I'm a fashionista.

Quick tangent: peanut butter. There is no peanut butter anywhere. I finally found one brand in the 3rd supermarket I tried and am sadly disappointed by its flavor, or lack there of. Americans need to teach the Britains how to make quality peanut butter. Until then, I remain unimpressed. Tangent over.

As aforementioned by Maggie, we went on a walking tour yesterday with the fantastically witty and hilarious Allie. Apart from seeing where all the millionares live and learning that our flat is worth about 5 million, we explored Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens and the surrounding area. After seeing Kensington Palace, we saw where T.S. Eliot lived and other groovy folks. I walked on the spot where J.M. Barrie created Peter Pan! Needless to say I was freaking out.

Today we went on a coach tour with our program and saw the sights of London, including but not limited to: Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, the National Theatre, the Tower Bridge, St. Paul's Cathedral, DIAGON ALLEY(!) and The Eye. Our tour guide, Britt, was a hoot and I learned a lot. I shall have to go back to these places when it's warmer in order to better explore them.

After the tour, Shannon, Maggie, my roommate, Ellie, and I splurged on Indian food. It was SCRUMPTIOUS! I ate. And ate and ate. And ate and ate and ate. I couldn't stop. I don't know what it is about London, but it makes me hungry! Then we went grocery shopping and cell phone shopping and came home. To our frozen tundra of an apartment. Where I tried to take a hot shower. Hah! Hahahaha! The water was a trickle and decided to turn off completely when I had just put conditioner in my hair. While I was freezing and glaring nastily at the shower stall, the bide started speaking, gurgling away. I don't know how but it appeared that the water meant for the shower was somehow going into the bide. FUN TIMES IN ENGLAND! Anyhow, I ran across the hall and used another shower which was so warm and delectable, it was like Heaven in a bathroom.

Tomorrow I must find practice facilities because my first lesson is on Thursday and I have not practiced in too long. Yikes!


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