Tuesday, January 12, 2010

intrepid exploration!

I seem to have run out of things to talk about. I've only had one class so far, and it was all at the V&A. Further in the week I'll have more, especially with my screenwriting class.
Right now I need to figure out timing and such - how long it will take to walk places, or take the tube, so I can actually do things before class. Right now I've been confining myself to grocery shopping and walking around the park.
Speaking of, I love the park. It is apparently bigger than the principality of Monaco, and there's so many people and so much to see and so many dogs. Really, the dogs are therapeutic. I miss my parents and friends, but I miss my dog even more. There are some things that people just can't provide - such as the willingness to jump in one of the few non-frozen sections of the Serpentine, a big pond. Why? For the fun of it. And then his owner had to direct him to get out - "No, not that way...yes, good boy, come on, NO, the other way, come on...."
Also, at times in the park I felt like I was in The Birds. I've never seen it, and I don't much care to, since having a flock of seagulls swoop over my head was plenty today. I'm surprised that most of them are still there - I saw ducks, Canadian geese, swans, sea gulls, starlings, Eurasian coots, one European Robin who seemed out of place, and of course, the pigeons.
I hate pigeons. They're akin to squirrels, in that they gross me out and walk in front of me without knowing where they're going. They're less twitchy, I'll give them that, but they also seem to have more diseases and such. I don't know why I think that, but I do.
Oh, and I got locked out of my room today. It's surprisingly easy to get Metrogate to let you in though, so that's good.
Class at hte V&A was good. We had to choose three works by any of the artists we're studying. We saw John Constable and JMW Turner today, and I decided I like Constable better. Turner seems to do sunny seascapes which are beautiful but kind of boring, I thought. Constable I think uses light and color better.
And then we were free to explore. Amazingly enough, you can take pictures throughout the museum. It's brilliant. I will have to go back a couple more times before I can begin to decide what to say. I loved it. We saw statues, paintings, clothing, furniture, giant plaster casts of monuments, really old books with illuminations. There's an entire section devoted to ironwork, and one of carving which I thought my Grandpa would have liked.
And now I'm crashing.

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