Monday, February 8, 2010

food baby

So on Friday we had a group trip to Oxford. Britt, our fantastic tour guide, showed us around a couple of the different colleges in Oxford University. We spent most of our time in Christ Church college, which is the one founded by Cardinal Wolsey in 1525. We saw some places that were in the first Harry Potter movie, such as the dining hall and the staircase where McGonagall met the first-years. Britt is a huge Harry Potter fan, so she was more than happy to tell us all about it. We saw the cathedral within Christ Church, which was beautiful. They had some pre-Raphaelite stained glass (I don't know what that means really, but both Shannon and one of the guides were excited about it), and the window of St. Frisewide was fantastic. We saw some of the places where people such as Lewis Carroll, C. S. Lewis, and J. R. R. Tolkien slept/ate/sat/etc. I ended up ill for part of the trip, but what I saw was beautiful and historical, and I loved it.
Saturday we all went salsa dancing at the Cuban over in Camden. It was a pretty good time, with some good music - lots of Juanes and some Shakira. There were some creepy guys, but I used a combination of poor dancing skills and kung fu to keep them at bay. And they couldn't tarnish the fantastic time we had dancing together.
Today we had lunch at Maggie Jones, which is this awesome traditional English restaurant down the street from our flats. The meals were huge, and I had the best mashed potatoes I have ever had in my life. I now need to sleep off a food baby, so I'm going to try to nap.

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